Bait for winter fishing with your own hands – the best recipes

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

Winter fishing is fundamentally different from summer fishing and quite often is a real challenge for many winter fishing enthusiasts. Not everyone is able to fish all day in the cold, as well as in the presence of wind.

In addition, the weather can change for the worse at any time. Therefore, warm clothes never hurt. In order for winter fishing to be effective, it is necessary for this:

  • Have special equipment.
  • Have information about the nature of the reservoir.
  • Be able to identify promising places.
  • Go fishing with feeding.

Particular attention should be paid to the last paragraph, which refers to bait.

DIY bait recipes for winter fishing

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

Universal groundbait

Many such types of bait have been invented. Here is the easiest recipe for homemade bait. It consists of:

  • Hercules.
  • Cake (top).
  • ເຂົ້າຈີ່.
  • ວານິລິນ.
  • ດິນເຜົາ.
  • ນໍ້າ.

You can prepare the composition directly on the pond, just combine all the ingredients together and mix them well. But we should not forget that it is winter outside and it is not very easy to prepare bait at the fishing spot if you need to deal with water. After that, small balls roll from a similar mixture. That’s all! You can start the process of attracting fish. At the same time, it should be noted the ready-made purchased bait “moth cloud”. The composition of such bait includes bloodworms, hemp, cinnamon, mayflies, betaine.

ເຫຍື່ອສໍາລັບ perch

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

Since perch is a predatory fish, the basis of bait should be ingredients of animal origin. The following recipe works well:

  • Filler in the form of clay, silt, breadcrumbs or biscuit.
  • ແມ່ທ້ອງເລືອດ.
  • ແມ່ທ້ອງຟັກ.
  • Amphipods.

All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions (filler is two parts), after which balls are rolled, 5-7 cm in diameter. Shrimp meat or dry blood can be added to the recipe. Scales also work well if added to the main recipe.

ເຫຍື່ອສໍາລັບ carp crucian

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

In small ponds and lakes, where there is a lack of oxygen in winter, crucian carp burrow into the silt and fall into a state of suspended animation. On such reservoirs, it is absolutely useless to catch crucian carp in winter. As for large reservoirs, where oxygen reserves allow carp to lead an active lifestyle in winter, here it can please the angler with frequent bites.

Bait for crucian carp should be easy. At the same time, it should crumble before it reaches the bottom. There should be a minimum of ingredients of animal origin, otherwise predatory fish will do, which will frighten away crucian carp.

The easiest option for bait for crucian carp:

  • ເຂົ້າຈີ່.
  • Some of the bloodworm and chopped worms.

ເຫຍື່ອສໍາລັບ roach

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

In winter, roach leads an equally active lifestyle, therefore, you can always count on roach catch. In this regard, many anglers are guided by the bite of roach. A simple recipe for roach bait is offered:

  • Filler (breadcrumbs) – 300-400 grams.
  • Roasted seeds – 1 cup.
  • Dried mandarin peel – 0,5 cups.
  • 2 ສິນລະປະ. ບ່ວງ flour.

All ingredients are mixed with the addition of water and thoroughly mixed.

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach. The best budget food

Bait ສໍາລັບ bream

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

As a rule, the transparency of the water in winter increases greatly, therefore, a bait is needed that could create a cloudy column of food in the water.

Winter bait for bream may consist of:

  • Filler, weighing about 1 kg (breadcrumbs).
  • One cup of roasted seeds.
  • Half a cup of oatmeal.
  • One glass of split peas.

First of all, prepare porridge from peas. For this, peas are poured into boiling water. Water should be 2 times more than peas. Cook over low heat with constant stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then breadcrumbs or ordinary crackers are taken, but crushed, as well as crushed seeds and hercules. Mix crackers, seeds and hercules together, then add pea porridge.

The consistency should be such that the balls are easily molded and just as easily they fall apart with a slight pressure. Bloodworms can be added to the porridge before use.

Bait for dace

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

Yelets, with the advent of winter, gathers in numerous flocks and moves to deep holes, where it can stay until the first thaws. When the temperature begins to rise, the dace goes to shallow water, where last year’s grass remains. Best of all, dace is caught during the first three weeks after the reservoir is covered with ice. In moments of thaw, this fish is caught all day and also at night. For a more productive catch, bait will not hurt either. It can be prepared from:

  • Plant base (wheat, barley, hercules).
  • ໂມທິລ.
  • Cakes (cakes).

You can take store-bought bait briquettes, as they are washed out in water for a long time and effectively attract dace.

Bait for a scavenger

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

A bream is considered a bream, weighing up to 1 kg. Unlike older individuals, the bream is considered a schooling fish. In this regard, the bream is easier to catch on the pond. But without bait, one should not count on the catch. Although there are times when the bream pecks without bait.

Anglers act as follows: they drill several holes right there, separating them according to the method of fishing. One part is drilled without bait, the second part involves the use of purchased bait, the third part is designed for the use of homemade bait. After that, they start fishing each hole separately. If an active bite is observed in one of the parts of the holes, then this technology should be followed. And the technology of fishing is connected with whether to feed the scavenger or not.

MEGA catchy winter bait (Diary of a fisherman)

Top 5 lure for winter fishing

Anything related to the top five recipes for ice fishing should not be considered as ideal, which can ensure the effectiveness of fishing. Unfortunately, everything is not so simple and each recipe requires individual application, based on fishing conditions.

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes

Ready, factory bait should be divided into:

  • Winter bait Sensas 3000 Ready Roach;
  • Greenfishing (Winter);
  • DINAMITE BAITS Ice Ground Bait;
  • Mondial-f Wintermix Bream Black;
  • Winter bait ka.

Features of winter bait

Picking up bait in winter is much more difficult than in summer. This is due to the fact that in winter the behavior of fish changes due to a decrease in its activity. All ingredients require careful grinding, and the use of flavors should be kept to a minimum. The main task is to ensure the creation of bait turbidity. As for taste, it should be moved to the background. Very often, for this purpose, cocoa or milk powder is added to the bait.

Bait for winter fishing with your own hands - the best recipes


Here you can learn about some useful information that can increase the effectiveness of winter bait. Here they are:

  1. Worms, which are planned to be added to the bait, are best placed before that in goose fat or camphor oil.
  2. As a rule, dry ingredients have a very long shelf life. You need to add water directly near the reservoir.
  3. In winter, it is very difficult to get worms. Although it can be propagated at home.
  4. Amphipod crustaceans, including bloodworms, can be harvested since the summer. They can be stored either dried or frozen.
  5. In certain water bodies, where the depth is within 3 m, bait can be used in dry form. While small particles are saturated with water, they will slowly sink to the bottom, which will certainly interest the fish.

- ການສະຫຼຸບ

No matter how the universal bait is created, each angler has his own recipe, which takes into account both the individuality of the angler himself and the individuality of the reservoir. But again, it’s all purely relative.

Do-it-yourself budget winter bait for roach, bream, bream, perch

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